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Harobots ~ハロボッツ~

Harobots ~ハロボッツ~はサンライズインタラクティブから発売されたワンダースワン向けゲームソフト。価格は4515円。


Original Air Date: January 5th 2010 GB Harobots is the Game Boy Color adaptation of the original Harobots game that was released on the ill-fated WonderSwan back in 1999. It has several differences in its layout some different mechanics is in color and looks richer than the WS original. Actually it looks pretty darn good for a GBC game in general. Well actually it’s a very good game in general. GB Harobots is part of a video game series by Sunrise Studios (or in this case Sunrise Interactive) that features human characters who use Gundam Haros as guardians and pets. You play as a young trainer who is trying to have the coolest Haro around and do various activities to make it stronger while stumbling across evildoers in your travels. You can pit your Haro against other trainers do various training exercises (aka mini-games) buy different items to customize your Harobot and also create new Harobots from various items you collect. In this game Harobots don’t typically fight themselves. Instead they summon various ’Sunrise Mecha’ and other Mecha (hence the large list of licenses and copyrights in the beginning) to fight in their place depending on the Harobot (each with different attacks). What kind of Sunrise robots you might ask? Well... I dunno... Zakus... Megadeus (see Big O in the intro)... Escaflowne... robots like that. There are quite a few. The game also has funny dialogue and characters great music and a smidge of diversity in the gameplay. We have b.../b

GB Harobots GBハロボッツ ハロボッツ Haro Sunrise Studios Interactive

Original Air Date: January 5th 2010 GB Harobots is the Game Boy Color adaptation of the original Harobots game that was released on the ill-fated WonderSwan back in 1999. It has several differences in its layout some different mechanics is in color and looks richer than the WS original. Actually it looks pretty darn good for a GBC game in general. Well actually it’s a very good game in general. GB Harobots is part of a video game series by Sunrise Studios (or in this case Sunrise Interactive) that features human characters who use Gundam Haros as guardians and pets. You play as a young trainer who is trying to have the coolest Haro around and do various activities to make it stronger while stumbling across evildoers in your travels. You can pit your Haro against other trainers do various training exercises (aka mini-games) buy different items to customize your Harobot and also create new Harobots from various items you collect. In this game Harobots don’t typically fight themselves. Instead they summon various ’Sunrise Mecha’ and other Mecha (hence the large list of licenses and copyrights in the beginning) to fight in their place depending on the Harobot (each with different attacks). What kind of Sunrise robots you might ask? Well... I dunno... Zakus... Megadeus (see Big O in the intro)... Escaflowne... robots like that. There are quite a few. The game also has funny dialogue and characters great music and a smidge of diversity in the gameplay. We have b.../b

GB Harobots GBハロボッツ ハロボッツ Haro Sunrise Studios Interactive
ハロボッツ プロフィール - あのひと検索 SPYSEE [スパイシー]

『 ハロボッツ 』(はろぼっつ)は、1999年10月7日にサンライズインタラクティブより ワンダースワン専用ソフトとして発売された育成コンピュータRPGで、サンライズ作品 ロボットが多数登場するゲーム ... GB ハロボッツ 攻略 レビュー 質問 - goo ゲーム ...

ワンダースワン(WS): 今日のゲーム!!

WS『Harobots(ハロボッツ)』. 1999年10月7日発売/サンライズ インタラクティブ/4,300円( ... 初回特典は、永井流奈のワンポイント攻略 カードが同梱されているみたいです。FCやPCE-Huにもシリーズとして移植された 。 ...

WSL 所持リスト ワンダースワンログ

2006年5月11日 ... 爆走デコトラ伝説. FINAL LAP 2000 [ファイナルラップ] FINAL LAP special HAROBots [ ハロボッツ] ... スーパーロボット大戦COMPACT2 第3部:銀河決戦篇 双葉社 ワンダースワン完璧攻略シリーズ テラーズ2 オフィシャルガイドブック ...

チロルのゲーム生活 601~700 ROMリスト

2009年10月29日 ... 649 Harobots - Robo Hero Battling ハロボッツ ロボヒーローバトリング Japan 32 Chakky 650 Monster Force Europe 64 LightForce 651 Barbie Groovy Games Europe 32 Patience 652 The Revenge of the Smurfs Europe 32 Patience ...

中古ワンダースワン(箱説なし) 在庫リスト

中古ワンダースワン(箱説なし)の在庫リストです。 ... WS Harobots ハロボッツ 300 . WSC 半熟英雄 ああ世界よ半熟なれ…!! 1500. WS HUNTER×HUNTER意思を継ぐ者(RPG) 500. WSC共 バトルゲート ダークアイズ(SRPG) 500 ...


Harobotsハロボッツ|通販ショップの駿河屋. ... ワンダースワンソフト 販売価格:¥340(税込) 定価:¥ 4515(税込) 発売日:1999/10/07 メーカー: サンライズ 型番:SWJ-SRV001 管理番号:143000044001 画像を見る ワンダースワン(WONDER SWAN)用ソフト →商品の説明文を見る ...

Amazon.co.jp: ハロボッツ WS 【ワンダースワン】: ゲーム

ハロボッツ WS 【ワンダースワン】. サンライズインタラクティブ. プラットフォーム: Windows 98 WonderSwan ... 予めご了承願います。 ◆◆◆ 掘り出し物満載! 中古 ゲーム ストアと、 輸入版ゲーム ストアと、 廉価版ゲーム ストアがおすすめ◆◆◆ ...


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